Monday, March 7, 2011

well, some photos


Kristopher said...

You have a collection of beautiful photographs here. Are you planning to showcase these in a photo exhibit? The ninth photo particularly piqued my interest. How could the fine bungalow house with an arched roof be in complete disarray? Did something happen down there, like a flash flood or an earthquake? If that's the case, I might say, the house was built sturdily, as it still stands proud despite what happened.

Kristopher Diss

Unknown said...

Ditto, Kristopher. Robin seems to have a keen eye for capturing beautiful shots. They are gorgeous and they deserve a public viewing. I am equally concerned for the bungalow house. Is it your house, Robin? Well, it was indeed built fine. I hope you were able to clean the debris outside it. It's blocking the view of your nice-looking arched roof.

Leif Clancy